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Smart benches in Koprivnica

In October 2015, the citizens of Koprivnica got the first smart benches. Smart bench is a device that is energy-independent and has the ability to generate additional energy through solar power.

Through these bench, users have the ability to charge cell phones, tablets and other gadgets via four USB ports. The benches have an integrated interface that automatically recognizes the type of device you want to charge. In addition to charging, smart benches have the ability to use a wireless network with an Internet connection, and they include sensors that can be read by smart devices.

Using smart benches you can find out the current data on local forecast, temperature, humidity, etc.

During the night, the smart bench is lighted - it uses the energy collected over the day, so they have a decorative and orientational role. There are three such benches in Koprivnica - in front of Komunalac, on Florian Square and in front of the Youth Center. The value of smart bench investment in Koprivnica is 35,000 kn, and the investors are City of Koprivnica and GKP Komunalac.

Smart benchmarks are another step towards improving living conditions, and raise and promote the ecological awareness of young generations.

Smart benches were invented by the 20-year-old Ivan Mrvoš from Solin. He founded Include - firm which deals with the production and sales of smart benches, and has quickly achieved success on the international market.

On his Facebook profile, John said: "Today I can officially announce that two weeks ago, a contract has been signed on the distribution of Steor's smart benches between Include company and Australian company Mtk Renewable Energy Investment. There will be a total of 2700 smart benches over a period of five years , and the value of the contract is approximately 40 million kunas. This is the result of the great work of 20 young people who gave 100% of themselves for this company, who for some days worked 24 hours a day for 0 kn of bonuses and who remained there no matter some others have said that this will never become a big project, and I am proud to have the opportunity to work with these people every day. I have to thank the General Counsel in Australia, Mr. Dubravko Belavić, who found partner that we needed in less than a week. It appears this will not be the only such contract this year. Next week we will send the first test benches in Qatar, the United States and Switzerland. Stay tuned."

Have you ever seen or used smart benches in your town? What is your opinion about them?


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